The Nurse’s Spirit: What it is and How Nurses Can Use It To Live Happier

The Nurse’s Spirit: What it is and How Nurses Can Use It To Live Happier

Have you ever had one of those moments at work where you feel like you’re just not sure you can do this anymore? This whole nurse thing? Or have one of the worst days on the planet that makes you question your entire career path and if you’re even in the right profession? What about the days that hit you so hard you’re not sure you’ll ever rebound? Same.

To say the least, the job of a nurse isn’t easy and it asks so much of you every single day. You give to others so freely before you even consider yourself (hello full bladder, late lunch, and no end in sight to your to-do list). It’s just what you do because if you’re being honest, at the end of the day (no matter how it’s gone), you really do love it.

You love the way caring for others in their most vulnerable moments makes you feel; you love the way you are able to bring calm to the chaos; the moment when you finally gain the trust of one of your most difficult patients; or when your day runs as smooth as glass and life just feels in flow. It almost negates that the hard days exist, doesn’t it?

I guess it’s safe to say, this profession can be one big balancing act at times. There are good days and bad BUT on each day, there’s something that adds a healthy layer of protection to your world and something that keeps you coming back for more.

The Nurse’s Spirit

I once read somewhere that nurse’s are inherently broken people who find solace in taking care of others. This weighed on me for a while. For a time I had myself convinced I was one big hot mess unconsciously sweeping my own dirt under the rug as I distracted myself through the whirlwind that nursing can be at times. I would think, “ok, what are you trying to prove here?” What I have found over the years though, is that this statement couldn’t be further from the truth.

Sure, nurses are human, and we all carry around some form of baggage from our past or even current personal circumstances; this is natural…but broken? Absolutely not. Your driving force is THE strongest and THE most resilient on the planet. Think about it, how could it NOT be? How would you honestly have survived nursing all this time if it wasn’t?!

All that you’ve been through, all that you’ve endured – from nursing school and the grueling experience that whole era is, to your first year stumbling through just praying you and your patients make it through another day alive, to all of the years that follow when every part of your being is tested; the good, the bad and the in-between – I am a firm believer that you were literally built for and born for it all. You came fully equipped with all you need for the job – whether you feel that way or not. You were born with a Nursing Spirit.

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You were born different than every other person on the planet and on the hard days, especially the hard days, your nursing spirit is activated and shines brighter than ever.

It carries you through. It mends your heart; and day by day, year by year, helps you to add an incredible depth to who you are in every aspect of your life.

This force, this essence that has carried you through up until this point IS half being smart as anything and half your Nursing Spirit. Let me explain…

The Dark and Winding Path Brings Light

Nursing is a winding path and although there is a whole lot straight-forward in medicine, the actual navigation of your days and what you’re faced with couldn’t be further from straight-forward. You learn to roll with things as they come, juggle it all, you’re a master at improvising, and no matter what, you just make things work.

You are faced with some patients who challenge you and others who really tug at your heart strings BUT both leave you with one thing – so much perspective.

Have you ever stopped to think about the enormity of the experiences you’ve had in your nursing career? The characters you’ve come across, the lives lost or spared, the you’ve hands held, backs you’ve rubbed, the tough conversations had, the tears, the miracles and the heartache – it all adds up to equal the unique perspective you have on LIFE today.

No other profession has it quite this way. Even others in the medical profession I might add. How so?

You know the times you’ve been present for a doctor’s or medical teams conversation with a patient and the patient is asked, “any questions?”, of course to reply they don’t… and the second the team walks out the door you find them confused and need to explain everything to them in much simpler terms? This is a perfect example. People feel safe with you. Your presence is one of comfort and security, never of intimidation and this reality travels a long way. It touches people in ways they can’t forget.

Being this person and playing this really important role for your patients inadvertently leaves you with such a unique perspective to carry forward into your own, personal life. You have so much to gain.

Nurse’s have one of the most unique perspectives on the planet and although at times the job can challenge every aspect of your being, I think it’s honestly one of the greatest gifts – because if you let it, your experience has the capability of shining SO much light into your world.

How Nurse’s Can Live Happier

So how can you use your experience as a nurse to live a happier, much less stressed out life?

Consider each patient has something to teach you – and search for it.

I spent years as a Hospice nurse and once of the things I loved most about it is that although I had SO many patients at every given time I was able to spend a little quality time getting to know each and every one. You don’t always have the luxury of such time in every setting. But here’s the thing – and as woo woo as it may sound – you can TAP into allowing yourself the time.

Here’s how:

Create a little space to allow someone to be seen and heard, to learn a little about their lives, you don’t need to spend all day – you just need to be really intentional with how you spend those few minutes you do have with them. By no means did I have all the time in the world as a hospice nurse – FAR from it. The stress I felt with my to-do list was often just as visceral any other field of nursing I had previously been in. But making the time gives you (and of course your patient) something to gain.

There is literally something to be learned from every single person on the planet; and I am a firm believer that if a patient is before you – you have something to learn from them. Sometimes what a patient has to teach you isn’t so obvious, other times it is; but I’ve learned it’s so beneficial to just be open to the fact that they DO… and continue to search for it. As a nurse, you have an abundance of potential take home tid bits that add depth and beauty to your life every single day. Use this to your advantage. Trust that you have something to learn from every patient and every family that crosses your path.

Find the silver lining in your patients stories. Here’s how:

Whether your patient has their own silver lining or not isn’t what we’re talking about here. Sometimes we can’t see our patient and their family’s silver lining and the truth is, it’s not for us to always be witness to. But what you can be witness to is your own as a result. Drawing on learning from each patient – what silver lining for yourself can you find in their story? And how can you use it to flip your perspective on your own life?

Nurses have this ability to see life through their patients eyes. Whether it’s a troubled, abusive relationship your patient find themselves in or a chronic debilitating health condition – you can empathize with each patient you find yourself caring for. And as heart-wrenching as some of your patients circumstances and stories can be – how can you use seeing life through their eyes to add more light into your days?

I can remember my days working in the hospital during flu season – every other bed being an airborne isolation room and having families ask, “aren’t you ever afraid you’ll get sick” or make some kind of similar statement. I don’t know that I have ever met a nurse that is afraid of such a thing (or you probably wouldn’t be in the field, right?)… But at the end of the day taking care of such sick people, you can go home, take a shower and hug your family tight, finding gratitude that you and your loved ones aren’t in that position.

Even if your patient has the potential to not recover in full, or at all for example, the silver lining for YOU can be gratitude for your own health, your own wellness, your own safety and the knowledge you are armed with to keep it that way to the best of your ability. Your path as a nurse has you subject to some pretty harsh realities that people outside of the healthcare world just aren’t exposed to. But this unique perspective on life can be your own silver lining – and in this, you can live a much happier life.

You Can Own Your Calling and Let It Breathe Life Into Your Days

You came to this Earth fully equipped with the strength of a Nurse’s Spirit because this an aspect of your calling, part of your purpose.

I’m a firm believer that nurses don’t just stumble upon this career path. Whether you’re in nursing your entire life until retirement or come into it for a shorter period of time – you came for a reason; and during that time, whether you consciously are aware of it or not you positively impacted a lot of lives.

Own that for a moment.

Nurses are notoriously hard on themselves. For some reason, we tend to think a whole lot less of ourselves as a baseline opposed to seeing ourselves in truth. Remember the unique perspective you have as a result of your patients experiences? Well they have a perspective of you, too. So does everyone else in your life. I bet those close to you have a really nice perspective of you and the work you do every day; how hard you work, your dedication, how diligently you strive to be your best and honestly how smart you are to do what you do.

I know it can be hard to take in compliments or good praise. But what if you let it in? What if you TRULY let it in? What if you actually owned the essence of who you are in your entirety – the same essence that other people see in you? What if you shifted your own perspective to see yourself in a bit of different light? How would it feel to really own your role in this life?

When you OWN your calling and see ✨even glimpses✨ of yourself as others can see you, it shifts and changes you energetically. It helps you to feel EXPANSIVE instead of contracted – and when your energy feels expansive, it literally breathes life into you.

The Nurse’s Soul Deck

I was inspired to write this post by a card from a deck of reflective cards I created, The Nurse’s Soul Deck of Wisdom. I created the deck first and foremost out of a love for nurses and the profession. I believe there is something so special about each and every nurse’s soul.

The Nurse's Soul Deck of Wisdom

Although we are all completely different as individuals, we all hold so many of the same attributes and carry very similar weight in our lives and our hearts. Aside from a love for nurse’s and the journey, I created them as a practical way for nurses to create a small amount of space in their lives for pause. There is something so sacred and powerful in taking a few minutes out of your day, consistently to just think your own thoughts. I talk all about how affirmation type cards have changed my life and exactly how to use them in this post. If you’re interested in grabbing a copy of The Nurse’s Soul, I have a brand new Etsy shop where I’m now selling them! You can check out my shop here.

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